Random musings from the week:
1.) Ran the "Road to Hell" course with Rogue last Saturday. It did not go well, and it was not because of the hills. Only got 5 miles in because of a lovely disorder affectionately called: IBS.
2.) I continue to run early Tuesday and Thursday with Cedar Park Road Runners. Early means 5:15 a.m. And did I mention it was 5:15 A. M.? The good news is: Ain't nothin' gonna interfere with 5:15, and it's only 85 degrees at that time of night/day. Let's focus on the good news.
3.) I officially signed up for a marathon training program (yay!). Tough Cookies it shall be. I'm excited and somewhat scared.
4.) Hills are one of a million things that keep me humble. I have never gotten to the point where I say, "Wow. Hills are easy." Nope, they're rough, and I never love them. I ran a 1/2 mile major hill behind my house two times Tuesday (at 5:15 A. M. This homeschool, stay-at-home-mom can't emphasize that enough. I need laurels and accolades. Bold and italics won't work.). It nearly killed me. But I must train for them, and (as my husband would profoundly say) there it is.
5.) My kids started school last Wednesday. Blood, tears, and dollars go to their school, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This slightly obsessive mother has searched high and low, and no other school has been been a better fit for us than Veritas Academy. It's worth its weight in gold, and I am grateful. Seriously.
6.) My most permanent address is: Mazda CX-9.
7.) I'm also grateful to not parent alone. This week alone would have done me in had I not had the support and help of my husband. Hats off to those of you who do. You have my highest respect.
8.) Parenting my children is the most humbling, most honest endeavor I engage in. My faults are thrown back at me, love is refined, and God shows up in the most ironic places possible. Just when I thought I had a handle, God says, "Nope. I'll show you." Which leads me to...
9.) God has shown me two things this week, for sure. Running keeps me humble. Keep doing it. Parenting keeps me humble. Keep doing it. Neither are especially easy. Keep doing it.
10.) Okay, God, let's do it.
Be kind to everyone you meet, for every person is fighting a great battle. ~ St. Ephraim
So impressed. They may not give accolades for being up at 5:15 A.M. but you have my undying respect and awe.