Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Doing Good Tuesdays: Aaron's Last Wish

Oh my stars. I came across the story about Aaron Collins somewhere on my homepage yesterday. He died suddenly a few weeks ago and left behind a will that asked that his family go out for pizza and give the server an 'awesome' tip - as in a $500.00 tip. After his death, his family asked for donations so they could carry out Aaron's last wish. They got the $500.00 and a lot more. The donations keep coming in, and because people have been so touched by the story, Aaron's family has raised over $58,000 (and counting). That's 117 servers. 

The 5th server the family has gotten to bless is featured in the video above. I love seeing the servers' faces in all the videos as they realize what they've been given. The family and the server above were featured in last Tuesday's Today show. The family has also been featured on NPR, CBS This Morning, etc., etc.

The really, really cool part is how much Aaron's wish has caught on. A cab driver was recently given $500.00 extra in 'Aaron's memory'. Restaurants are seeing an uptick in this lavish tip giving. And a 13 year old boy wrote to Aaron's Wish and donated $10.00 of his own. 

How fun is it to bless other people unexpectedly?! If you'd like to donate to Aaron's Wish and be a part of something bigger than ourselves, click here. If that's not possible, Aaron's brother, Seth, writes:

If you can’t donate then please give a generous tip on your own.  Tell the waiter or waitress why, or don’t.  He would still be happy that you had done it.  Give them this website address if you’d like, or write it on the check, so they know they received the gift because of my brother.

That's sweet right there.

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.  ~Stephen Grellet, Quaker missionary

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